Loveland Voters Have Many Choices In 2009 Election
From left to right: A man who appears to be Carl Fritz covering his face from a photographer during a recent council meeting, Bob Snyder's publicity photo, Jan Brown in action on city council, Daryle Klassen's publicity photo, Glenn Rousey, Cecil Gutierrez and finally Mayoral candidate Walt Skowron while conducting an interview with Loveland Connection's Doug Crowl. Please send us any photos you have of the candidates in the community we can publish on this website and give you credit for the photo!
Loveland -- August 31, 2009
After a decade of often unpopular incumbents or their hand
selected successors too often running unopposed for
Loveland City Council seats -- things have changed. Across
Loveland's four Wards Loveland voters are being given a
wide selection of candidates to represent them on council and
even in the mayor's seat. The 16 candidates now competing
for the mayor's gavel or one of the four open council seats
range in age between 23 and 76 years old.
Some have credited the popularly passed Loveland Measure
2C from 2007 that limited contributions by special interests
for candidates running for local offices and forced greater
transparency in disclosing the true sources of those dollars.
This has pushed the existing McWhinney financed candidates
along with their challengers to seek financial support for their
campaigns from a larger number of Loveland residents who
also appear to be participating more in this year's election
cycle. Given the $100 per resident campaign contribution
limit, ordinary citizens from both the political left and right are
stepping-up to challenge the "old guard" that have
traditionally tied-up these important elected posts by
leveraging money from big developers like McWhinney and
Loveland Commercial to scare off lesser funded rivals.
LovelandPolitics volunteers have assembled a list of the
candidates (in the order they submitted their paperwork to
the city) that includes each candidate's home telephone,
address, age and known affiliations in the community. Please
take time to call each candidate running in your Ward to see
how they stand on the issues facing the city today. In addition,
we have provided the "McWhinney Scale" to approximately
rate each candidate for likely future support (based on past
votes, current sponsors or comments they have made) for
further subsidies of the McWhinney brother's lucrative
taxpayer financed Centerra development in east Loveland.
To see a larger view of the "McWhinney Scale" click on the inside of the box
Mayor's Race
Shaping-up to be one of the most competitive races for Loveland's Mayor in years the crowded field has left a number of seats on the city council open.
Loveland Mayor Gene Pielin has decided not to run again after just one term in the Mayor's seat so four of his colleagues on council are now running to replace
him. Particularly upset about the crowded race is current Loveland Mayor Pro Tem and Councilman, David J. Clark. Clark is a hand-picked successor of Pielin
who now appears lost in the crowd of other councilman running for the Mayor's seat.
Three of the four, David Clark, Walt Skowron and to a lesser extent Glenn Rousey have long histories of supporting McWhinney's every demand of Loveland's
City Council. Councilman Cecil Gutierrez stands alone in the race as the only candidate with elected office experience who doesn't have a history of rubber
stamping McWhinney requests to the city. Gutierrez is credited with successfully fighting a proposal by McWhinney to amend their agreement with Loveland to
delay indefinitely their obligation to repair the junction at the I-25 and U.S. 34. In addition, Gutierrez has been working with the local congressional office to
bring attention and relief by the federal government for the detrimental impact extra loud train whistle regulations have had on the quality of life of many
Loveland residents.
The dark horse in the race is former Olympic bicycle champion Alexi Grewal. Grewal's campaign got off to a bumpy start when a number of the 25 sponsors
who signed his candidate's petition were not eligible to vote in Loveland therefore their signatures were thrown out. Once new signatories were found to
replace those disqualified by Loveland's City Clerk, Grewal was allowed to keep his designation as the first to file therefore the first on the list of candidates.
Ward 1
Unlike previous elections, a 23 year-old machinist, Adam Koniecki, from Ward 1 is challenging incumbent Daryle Klassen who at 75 is among the oldest
members of Loveland's City Council. Both are registered Republicans while Koniecki is an active participant on the now 400 member strong Loveland 912
political movement. Despite the age differences both candidates are likely to be competitive campaigners and neither is shy about working for people's votes.
Klassen, who describes himself as a conservative Republican, angered the Loveland 912 group when he voted for making a gift of public funds to "incentivize" a
company. This just weeks before voting to cut police and other vital emergency services for residents. In an email to one member of the group, Klassen stated
he agreed with everyone who spoke against the subsidy he voted for but stated also he sometimes needs to commit a "necessary evil" to apparently remain in
public office. Admitting he was compromising his own principles for expediency to a group organized around making politicians stick to their espoused
principles was probably a bad political move for the senior and experienced local office holder. Klassen was also a Larimer County Commissioners years
before being elected to Loveland's City Council.
Former Councilwoman Jan Brown who lost to Councilman Cecil Gutierrez's in a land-slide upset just two-years ago is now running again in Ward 1 with hopes
of returning to council. Whether the same Ward 1 voters who booted her out only two-years ago are willing to now support her bid for public office remains
to be seen. Brown hired minimum wage day laborers to hold her campaign signs at street corners during the last election and stirred controversy by loosing
her temper during a council meeting.
Ward 2
While only two candidates are running in Ward 2 the race promises to be lively. Former head of Loveland's Chamber of Commerce and local insurance broker
Bob Snyder is using the campaign slogan "What about Bob?" to propel a campaign where Bob is carefully avoiding taking positions on issues. One frustrated
Loveland 912 member told LovelandPolitics he had mixed reactions to Snyder's recent interest in attending the group's meetings. When asked about where he
stood on the proposed Lodging Tax on this year's ballot, Snyder asked the voter how he felt about it before answering. Such tricks work well for clairvoyants
and soothsayers but voters are normally reticent about supporting a politician who appears to be tailoring his beliefs for his audience.
Joan Shaffer is also seeking to represent fellow Ward 2 residents on Loveland's City Council. Shaffer was instrumental in organizing the Measure 2C effort and
is a well known entrepreneur in downtown Loveland. Shaffer worked as a para-legal in her husband's law practice in Loveland, sublet commercial office space
in downtown Loveland and is now running a public relations firm in town. Unlike her opponent, Shaffer has taken a stand on a number of issues by speaking
before Loveland's City Council in support of efforts to re-develop downtown and is also an advocate for spurring infill development along highway 34 in West
Ward 3
Councilman Walt Skowron's longtime friend and neighbor, Joe Hertwig, is running to take Skowron's seat as a representative of Ward 3 on Loveland's City
Council. Skowron has been taking Hertwig to various community events and meetings in an attempt to promote Hertwig's candidacy among people who know
Walt Skowron. Some expressed concern that Hertwig appeared too dependent on Skowron to assist him when trying to answer questions about city issues.
Also in the race is a real estate broker, Janet Bailey, who is reported to be considering not running an official campaign or raising any money. Bailey appears to
be an independent candidate motivated by her convictions to bring integrity to the council. She doesn't seem to be associated with any particular special
interest in Loveland.
Hugh McKean, a newcomer to city politics, is a local contractor who performs landscaping and "handyman" services to area property owners. During an
interview with LovelandPolitics, McKean said he liked the job Skowron has done and is happy with the status quo on council by and large. However, he did
offer that he believes there are alternative methods the city should employee in facing its current economic troubles but didn't elaborate.
Ward 4
Another interesting race will be Ward 4 and specifically candidate Teri J. Volk. Current Mayoral candidate and councilman, David Clark, has been bragging that
Teri is "his girl" who he single handedly recruited to run for council. He expects she will be a vote he can count on for support if he becomes Mayor and she is
elected to represent Loveland's Ward 4 on the city council. Clark has been working to assist Volk in her campaign for Ward 4 but that kind of "assistance" is
often detrimental especially for a candidate who wants to run on their own merits. Volk served on Loveland's construction advisory board and is well regarded
for her knowledge of the building trades.
Cathleen "Cat" McEwen is another candidate for Ward 4 which includes the oldest built-up parts of Loveland including downtown where she lives and maintains
her offices. A practicing attorney who manages her own firm, McEwen will be a tough candidate for the others to beat. Articulate and accustomed to thinking
on her feet McEwen is an aggressive advocate for her clients as she would likely be for the residents of Ward 4 on Loveland's City Council.
Carl Fritz, also running to represent Ward 4, is an elderly gentleman who unlike Volk doesn't have a sponsor on city council or in the Loveland Chamber of
Commerce who recruited him to run. Fritz is a regular contributor to the Loveland Herald Letters to the Editor when he opines on numerous national issues.
Fritz appears to be an independent candidate not looking to serve any special interest but instead represent the ordinary residents in the community by
ensuring their voices are heard during the deliberations of the council.
Note: Any candidate who feels any information in this story is not accurate is welcome to email us their corrections at In addition,
LovelandPolitics will print an unedited essay or statement by any candidate on their candidacy and city issues (unedited so please check your spelling) to insure voters
have direct access to your viewpoints. Also please include a jpg photograph with your essay. Entries will be linked to your name in this story.
Loveland Candidates Mayor Alexi S. Grewal Cecil A. Gutierrez David J. Clark Walt A. Skowron Glenn C. Rousey
Ward 1 Andrea J. Brown Adam A. Koniecki Daryle W. Klassen
Ward 2 Joan T. Shaffer Robert E. Snyder Jr.
Ward 3 Joseph L. Hertwig Janet Bailey Hugh McKean
Ward 4 Carl B. Fritz Cathleen McEwen Teri J. Volk